The Political Party of Trade Unions of Ukraine, taking into account current political situation, the continuation of bloody war, the deadly destruction of the working population, the major decline of agriculture, the ruin of industry, complete lawlessness in the ranks of the military, including police and other officials, the total intimidation of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, the deterioration of the condition of Ukrainians abroad, guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, DECIDED:

1. In accordance to the Constitution of Ukraine, the powers of the former President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi are terminated and LOST.

2. All Ukrainians should act on the fact that the people’s power in Ukraine has been illegly seized and usurped by Volodymyr Zelensky, who shamefully mirrors Pinochet and Samosa.

3. In reference of danger to all people of Ukraine, which mainly consists of lawlessness and murders by the Security Bureau of Ukraine (SBU), and the bloody press-gangs and executioners of Mr. Malyuk, Mr. Poklad, Mr. Budanov and other accomplices: we EMPHASIZE the need to continue hiding for all party members.

4. CONTINUE all kinds of activities to ignore the criminal orders of Zelensky and the government.

5. The party will continue to work for the earliest possible end to the war and liberation from the international NATO bandits who have set our house on fire with their constant lies and who are responsible for giving out weapons, starting the war and causing significant losses to all workers of Ukraine.

Secretariat of the Party of Trade Unions of Ukraine